ID Title Rec Meets criteria? Council Rec Sponsor Province Subbasin FY10 FY11 FY12
201003500 Abundance, productivity and life history of Fifteenmile Creek Steelhead Yes Yes Fund Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Columbia Gorge Fifteenmile $403,200 $559,450 $309,700
201002600 Chinook and Steelhead Genotyping for Genetic Stock Identification (GSI) at Lower Granite Dam Yes (Qualified) Yes (Qualified) Fund Idaho Department of Fish & Game Mainstem on the ground/Multiprovince Mainstem on the ground/Multiprovince $865,858 $669,448 $669,448
199703000 Chinook Salmon Adult Abundance Monitoring [Includes fast track Joseph Creek Steelhead Escapement project] Yes Yes Fund Nez Perce Tribe Mountain Snake Salmon $448,061 $438,367 $448,680
201003300 Estimate the Relative Reproductive Success of Hatchery and Natural Origin Steelhead in the Methow River Basin Response requested No (see review) Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Columbia Cascade Methow $225,801 $231,446 $237,234
201003000 Estimate viable salmon population (VSP) parameters for Yakima steelhead major population group (MPG) Yes (Qualified) Yes (Qualified) (see review) Yakama Nation and WDFW Columbia Plateau Yakima $644,271 $639,960 $655,958
201003600 Expansion of Washington’s Tag Recovery Program in the Lower Columbia Region to Improve Fisheries and Viable Salmonid Population Monitoring Yes (Qualified) Yes (see review) Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Lower Columbia Columbia Lower $1,000,000 $839,902 $881,896
199800702 Grand Ronde Supplementation: Lostine River Operation and Maintenance and Monitoring and Evaluation In Part Yes (Qualified) (see review) Nez Perce Tribe Blue Mountain Grande Ronde $597,795 $771,299 $790,582
199107300 Idaho Natural Production Monitoring Response requested Yes (see review) Idaho Department of Fish & Game Mountain Snake Salmon $880,401 $869,622 $891,919
199005500 Idaho Steelhead Monitoring and Evaluation Studies Response requested Yes (Qualified) (see review) Idaho Department of Fish & Game Mountain Snake Clearwater $807,012 $808,944 $828,301
198909800 Idaho Supplementation Studies In Part In Part (Qualified) (see review) Idaho Department of Fish and Game Mountain Snake Salmon $1,990,884 $1,992,328 $2,041,844
201003200 Imnaha River Steelhead Status Monitoring (was 200205600) Response requested Yes (see review) Nez Perce Tribe Blue Mountain Imnaha $648,269 $419,370 $430,086
201002800 Implement a Rotating Panel Sampling Adult Steelhead in Small Tributaries of the Tucannon and Snake rivers Response requested Yes (see review) WDFW Columbia Plateau Snake Lower $66,441 $52,381
200301700 Integrated Status and Effectiveness Monitoring Program (ISEMP): The design and evaluation of monitoring tools for salmon populations and habitat in the Interior Columbia River Basin. Response requested In Part (see review) Northwest Fisheries Science Center Mainstem/Systemwide Systemwide $1,561,176 $1,614,788 $755,401
201003800 Lolo Creek Permanent Weir Construction Yes (Qualified) Yes (Qualified) Fund Nez Perce Tribe Mountain Snake Clearwater $200,000 $1,100,000
199305600 Research to advance hatchery reform Yes Yes Fund Northwest Fisheries Science Center Mainstem/Systemwide Methow $510,000 $587,559 $597,707
199801600 Salmonid Productivity, Escapement, Trend, and Habitat Monitoring in the John Day River Subbasin Yes (Qualified) Yes (Qualified) Fund Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife Columbia Plateau John Day $200,571 $1,165,975 $1,223,075
201003100 Snake River Chinook and Steelhead Parental Based Tagging Yes (Qualified) Yes (Qualified) Fund Idaho Department of Fish and Game Mainstem on the ground/Multiprovince Mainstem on the ground/Multiprovince $1,702,206 $1,701,034 $1,058,029
201004200 Tucannon Expanded Pit Tagging Yes Yes Fund Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Blue Mountain Tucannon $15,010 $15,509 $16,035
201003400 Upper Columbia Spring Chinook and Steelhead Juvenile and Adult Abundance, Productivity, and Spatial Structure Monitoring. Yes (Qualified) Yes (Qualified) Fund Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Columbia Cascade Wenatchee $702,643 $719,646 $737,638