200753900 - Promote Kokanee Repopulation in Lake Pend Orielle using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) for Location and Verification of Lake Trout Spawning Areas.

Sponsor: University of Idaho - Microelectronics Research & Communications Institute (MRCI)

Short description: The proposed work will apply underwater robotics technology to allow researchers to visually survey large areas of the floor of Lake Pend Orielle to locate and verify Lake Trout spawning areas.

Location: Intermountain province, Pend Oreille subbasin

Budgets: FY08: $363,476 | FY09: $36,701

Primary species:
Resident: Kokanee
Resident: Bull Trout


ObjectiveDescriptionSubbasin planStrategies
01. Bull trout/Cutthroat trout Preservation. In Lake Pend Oreille reduce competition and predation by lake trout on bull and cutthroat trout by reducing lake trout abundance to < 4,000 adults, if feasible. Intermountain Strategy a: ... if lake trout abundance or population structure is resulting in unacceptable predation (it is)... research methods to reduce the energetic demand or competitive impact of the lake trout population.
02. Restore kokanee abundance By 2020 restore kokanee populations in Lake Pend Oreille to allow sustainable harvest of 750,000 fish/year, as long as this activity does not adversely impact native fish. Intermountain Strategy c. Develop methods to monitor predator abundance and balance predator and kokanee populations.
03. Predator/prey balance By 2010 balance predator (lake trout, rainbow trout, bull trout)/prey (kokanee) populations in Lake Pend Oreille (1:10 biomass ratio). Intermountain Develop... active predator reduction methods to restore predator:prey balance if needed.



  • ISRP: Unranked
  • Council: Not fundable
  • BPA: Not fundable