Response for project 199803100: Implement Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kis
Comment on proposed FY 2006 budget
The Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission (CRITFC) would like their "Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wy-Kish-Wit" project renewed for FY 2006. The amount of $200,000 as approved by the NPCC for FY 2006 under the Provincial Review is consistent and sufficient with our expectations of the project.
Accomplishments since the last review
# of people reached in each of 3 classes (T/S/G): Teachers, Students, General public | We worked with 35 students from the Native American Youth Association. We have sent out approximately 200 copies of the Watershed Handbook, 500 Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) brochures, 2000 PCSRF calendars, organized 4 workshops. | |
Coordination | We have attended all monthly meetings with the NPCC and CBFWA providing the tribal perspectives and concerns and coordinating with all the agencies and Tribes. We have been involved with the PCSRF, the Pacific Salmon Commission and the PNAMP. | |
Provide Technical Review | CRITFC staff provided technical review on the tribal subbasin plans, HGMPs, APREs, developing PCSRF and PSC Southern Fund and other agency project proposals consistent with the Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit tribal restoration plan. | |
Produce Plan | CRITFC staff worked with the Tribes on all of their subbasin plans, HGMPs, APREs, subbasin implementation plans, RM&E plans, and restoration plans over the years. | |
Produce Annual Report | The annual report, along with all of the quarterly reports, have been submitted to BPA and available for review. All of the deliverables indicated were produced such as the PCSRF calendar and brochure, and maps of tribal BPA and PCSRF projects. | |
Produce Status Report | Status of quarterly reports are all available at the BPA. | |
Manage/Maintain Database | CRITFC maintains and structured database of all the tribal PCSRF projects (currently at 125). There is great detail for each project and it is continually updated with the project's progress. We also have a database/GIS of tribal BPA projects | |
Disseminate Raw & Summary Data | We continually update our PCSRF brochure with the most current data and provide maps of BPA and PCSRF projects. This information is available to the public at our website and through NOAA FIsheries for the PCSRF information. |
CRITFC has provided assistance to the four member Tribes in various regional processess of the BPA, NPCC and CBFWA, PCSRF, subbasin plan development, development of a MOA with BPA, contracting, packaging new tribal projects, budget development, FCRPS Biological Opinion, the APRE and HGMP developments and the Fish and Wildlife Amendments. CRITFC has also provided coordination between the Tribes and project cooperators to insure projects are consistent with Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit and the NPCC Fish and Wildlife Program. CRITFC also has promoted cost sharing of subbasin watershed projects with tribal, federal, state, local and private agencies.
FY 2006 goals and anticipated accomplishments
CRITFC hopes to continue with all of the goals/metrics stated above along with providing assistance to the four member Tribes on all Columbia Basin regional processes such as implementation of the subbasin plans, salmon recovery plans, fish and wildlife amendments, and cost share opportunities/partnerships. CRITFC plans on continuing to update and expand GIS maps of tribal salmon restoration projects, along with publishing and distributin outreach materials on tribal salmon restoration efforts. CRITFC plans on working with BPA interns over the summer.
Subbasin planning
How is this project consistent with subbasin plans?
Although this is a Coordination/Data Management project and doesn't have a direct relationship to a specific subbasin plan we feel that this project has a relationship to all of the Columbia Basin plans to a degree. CRITFC will be involved with the subbasin plan roll-up process, the implementation of the plans, identifying the linkages of the plans with other processes such as the 1855 treaties, US vs. OR, the Northwest Power Act and the Pacific Salmon Treaty, development of the recovery plans using the AHA model, the PNAMP group, and continuing to develop cost share/partnership opportunities with the Tribes.
How do goals match subbasin plan priorities?
Everything stated above are in some way subbasin plan priorities of all of the plans. All of the work under this project relates to the CRITFC tribal restoration plan "Wy-Kan-Ush-Mi Wa-Kish-Wit", the 1855 Treaties, outcomes out of US vs. Oregon, the Northwest Power Act, the Pacific Salmon Treaty and the Council's 2000 Fish and Wildlife Program.