Response for project 199800703: Grande Ronde Supp. O&M/M&E
Comment on proposed FY 2006 budget
The proposed budget is identical to the budgets for FY2004 and FY2005. Freezing the budgets in FY2003, FY2005, and FY2006 has, and does not allow for increases in the cost of living and other wage increases, rising utility and fuel and other materials costs, and associated administrative costs let alone project costs that were unforseen when proposals were last submitted in 2002. We have absorbed these cost increases for the last 4 years. It will become more difficult if not impossible to implement the project properly without concurrent funding increases. To cover these additional costs, CTUIR requests that this project budget be increased by 10% from $684,454 to $752,899. This project represents a long-term core component of the F&W Program and proposed '06 increases represent a ramp up towards increased '07 costs that the NPCC must recognize as necessary to maintain past investments in this "base program".
Accomplishments since the last review
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | Acquire necessary permits and other authorizations to implement the project. Completed 2002-2005. | |
Coordination | Participated in meetings and consultations with comanagers. Included annual LSRCP cooperators meetings, LSRCP and Captive Broodstock AOP development, Technical Oversight Team meetings, Completed 2002-2004. | |
Manage and Administer Projects | Conducted project related administrative tasks. Statement of work/budget, purchasing, tracking expenditures, supervision. Completed 2002-2004. | |
Produce Annual Report | Prepared annual reports (O&M, M&E) that documents project accomplishments. Completed (M&E) 2002, (O&M) 2002-2004 | |
Produce Status Report | Prepared and submitted 8 quarterly progress reports. Completed 2002-2004. | |
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings Report | Produce peer-reviewed publications and papers for professional society meetings. Two papers presented (1 in 2004, 1 in 2005). | |
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = Research | S Catherine Creek Adult Trap | |
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = Research | S Grande Ronde Adult Trap | |
# of fish by origin (ad-clip/non-clip) | 1,069/509 Catherine Creek Adult Trap 2002 to 2004 | |
# of fish by origin (ad-clip/non-clip) | 470/256 Grande Ronde Adult Trap 2002 to 2004 | |
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = Research | S | |
# of fish by sex (M,F,J), origin (ad-clip/non-clip), and age | Adipose clip:Jack 4; Male 40 4year, 4 5year; Female 52 4year 1 5year.Unmarked: Jack 2; Male 6 4year, 7 5year; Female 58 4year 53 5year. | |
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = Research | S Catherine Creek Acclimation Site | |
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = Research | S Grande Ronde Acclimation Site | |
# of fish released | 663,000 Catherine Creek Acclimation 2002 to 2005 | |
# of fish released | 643,177 Grande Ronde Acclimation 2002 to 2005 | |
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = Research | S Catherine Creek Adult Trap | |
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = Research | S Grande Ronde Adult Trap | |
# of fish transported | 584 From Catherine Creek Adult Trap | |
# of fish transported | 138 from Grande Ronde Adult Trap | |
Install Fish Trap/Monitoring Weir | We install and remove weirs on the upper Grande Ronde River and Catherine Creek each year to enumerate and monitor steelhead populations and capture spring chinook broodstock for the hatchery program and regulate hatchery and wild fish passage. | |
Install Fish Trap/Monitoring Weir | Install weir and trap at the Upper Grande Ronde and Catherine Creek sites to enumerate adult returns and collect broodstock and fish for outplanting. | |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Collect field and laboratory data for juvenile and adult spring Chinook salmond, adult summer steelhead, and water quality. Completed 2002-2004. | |
Mark/Tag Animals | Mark adult summer steelhead and adult spring Chinook salmon captured in the Catherine Creek and upper Grande Ronde River traps with opercle punches. Assist ODFW in PIT tagging. Completed 2002-2004. | |
Submit/Acquire Data | Obtain fish tagging and environmental data from various agencies. Completed 2002-2004. | |
Manage/Maintain Database | Create and maintain spreadsheets on local computeres with data on individual fish, sampling dates and locations, and environmental conditions. Completed 2002-2004. | |
Disseminate Raw & Summary Data | Create and disseminate weekly reports to comanagers (completed 2002-2004). Make selected data available on the Internet, using existing CTUIR website (2005, 2006). | |
Analyze/Interpret Data | Summarized water temperature and stream flow data for Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River relative to juvenile outmigration and adult escapement. Completed 2002-2004. | |
Analyze/Interpret Data | Summarized and compared life histories of hatchery-origin spring Chinook salmon for Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River, including release method (forceout, volitional)and rearing types (capt/conv broodstock, hatchery/wild origin)for 2002-04. | |
Analyze/Interpret Data | Summarized and compared life histories of hatchery and wild-origin spring Chinook salmon from Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River using length/age frequencies, sex ratios, and migration timing for 2002-2004. |
2002-Catherine Creek Spring Chinook;acclimated and released 180,343 smolts. Trapped 138 HAT fish and 166 NOR fish. Transported 35 NOR adults and 3 NOR jacks to LGH. Spawned 20 females at LGH. Grande Ronde Spring Chinook; acclimated and released 151,444 smolts. Trapped 4 HAT fish and 102 NOR fish. Transported 48 NOR adults and 1 NOR jack to LGH. Spawned 21 females at LGH. Summer Steelhead CC 256, GR 36. 2003-Catherine Creek Spring Chinook;acclimated and released 129,705 smolts. Trapped 305 HAT fish and 254 NOR fish. Transported 49 NOR adults and 2 NOR jacks to LGH. Spawned 28 females at LGH. Grande Ronde Spring Chinook; acclimated and released 237,560 smolts. Trapped 42 HAT fish and 121 NOR fish. Transported 71 NOR adults and 1 NOR jack to LGH. Spawned 23 females at LGH. Summer Steelhead CC 226, GR 56. 2004-Catherine Creek Spring Chinook;acclimated and released 163,372 smolts. Trapped 626 HAT fish and 89 NOR fish. Transported 16 NOR adults and 1 NOR jack and 1 HAT jack to LGH. Spawned 9 females at LGH. Grande Ronde Spring Chinook; acclimated and released 148,804 smolts. Trapped 424 HAT fish and 33 NOR fish. Transported 14 NOR adults and 2 NOR jack and 1 HAT jack to LGH. Spawned 7 females at LGH. Summer Steelhead CC 181, GR 63. 2005-Catherine Creek Spring Chinook;acclimated and released 189,580 smolts. Grande Ronde Spring Chinook; acclimated and released 105,369 smolts. Completed 26 quarterly progress reports and 4 annual reports during 2002-2005. 2002-2004 Summarized water temperature and streamflow data for Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde River. Described life history for adult summer steelhead collected from 2002-2004. Described and compared life history for hatchery and wild juvenile spring Chinook salmon released from acclimation facilities. Described and compared life history for adult spring Chinook salmon collected at Catherine Creek and upper Grande Ronde River adult trapping facilities.
FY 2006 goals and anticipated accomplishments
BPA Environmental Compliance | Acquire necessary permits and other authorizations to implement the project. | |
Coordination | Participate in co-manager meetings to review and revise project implementation. | |
Manage and Administer Projects | Submit annual budget package to BPA for 2007 | |
Produce Annual Report | Write annual report | |
Produce Status Report | Status reporting of milestones. Quarterly reports. | |
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = Research | S Grande Ronde Adult and Catherine Creek Adult | |
# of fish by origin (ad-clip/non-clip) | Unknown return size in 2006. | |
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = Research | S 3 stocks of fish to spawn at Lookingglass Hatchery (Grande Ronde, Catherine Creek, and Lookingglass Creek). | |
# of fish by sex (M,F,J), origin (ad-clip/non-clip), and age | Unknown number to spawn. | |
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = Research | S Catherine Creek Acclimation Site | |
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = Research | S Grande Ronde Acclimation Site | |
# of fish released | 17,400 Grande Ronde Acclimation | |
# of fish released | 69,100 Catherine Creek Acclimation | |
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = Research | S Grande Ronde Adult and Catherine Creek Adult | |
# of fish transported | Unknown number to transport | |
Maintain Hatchery | Provide maintenance for the 2 acclimation facilities and 2 adult capture facilities on Catherine Creek and the Upper Grande Ronde and the shop/office in La Grande. | |
Install Fish Trap/Monitoring Weir | Install weir and trap at the Upper Grande Ronde and Catherine Creek sites to enumerate adult returns and collect broodstock and fish for outplanting. | |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Collect data on juvenile fish acclimated and adult fish trapped and spawned. | |
Disseminate Raw & Summary Data | Complete and distribute weekly reports on facility activities and numbers. | |
Analyze/Interpret Data | Analyze collected data for use in making management/Staff decisions (internal). |
2005-Complete trapping and collecting data. Tabulate and analyze data, draft and complete annual reports. 2006-Catherine Creek Spring Chinook;acclimate and release 69,100 smolts. Trap HAT fish NOR fish. Transport HAT and NOR adults LGH. Spawn females at LGH. Grande Ronde Spring Chinook; acclimate and release 17,500 smolts. Trap HAT fish NOR fish. Transport HAT and NOR adults to LGH. Spawn females at LGH. Enumerate Summer Steelhead at Catherine Creek and upper Grande Ronde. Complete trapping and collecting data. Tabulate and analyze data, draft and complete annual reports. Complete database management, data acquisition, data dissemination, coordination and administrative taks for 2005-2006.
Subbasin planning
How is this project consistent with subbasin plans?
Consistency: This project is consistent with and implements the goals set forth in the Grande Ronde Subbasin Plan (Artificial Production:Current pg 86-94, Artificial Production and Introduction; Ecological Consequences pg 95-96, Relationship Between Naturally and Artificially Produced Populations pg 96 & Management supplement pg 4-11). We operate the acclimation facilities in the upper Grande Ronde and Catherine Creek that release the hatchery fish into the environment as well as monitoring and evaluating the survival, interactions, growth, release timing and overall effectiveness of the program. We also operate the adult capture facilities on these same streams to collect the broodstock needed to create the smolt releases. Again we provide monitoring and evaluation of the hatchery population as well as the natural population (survival, age structure, spawning distribution, and genetic monitoring). Our work with summer steelhead is also consistent with the plan (Summer Steelhead Population Data and Staus pg 64-79). Our enumeration of the summer steelhead populations in Catherine Creek and the upper Grande Ronde are vital for stray monitoring/removal, genetic monitoring, and population status monitoring.
How do goals match subbasin plan priorities?
This project accomplishes priority artificial production work identified in the subbasin plan ( Artificial Production pg 86). Our project directly affects 2 of the 6 unique spring chinook populations identified in the plan ( Spring Chinook Data and Status pg 49). We also complete work on 2 of the 3 focal aquatic wildlife species identified in the plan spring chinook and summer steelhead (3.2.2 Focal Species Selection. List of species pg 47).