Response for project 199701325: Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Pro

Comment on proposed FY 2006 budget

The FY06 budget is consistent with Bonneville's 2005 budget. However, we believe a 6% increase is warranted. The project needs to maintain operational capability to successfully perform required work and also maintain salaries that are competitive with other F&W agencies. Over the past 2-3 years the project has lost several key personnel, partially due to salary levels. Gas prices have nearly doubled from FY05 levels, and concurrently expenses for supplies, materials, travel, etc. have increased due to these increases in energy prices. Therefore, the FY06 budget should be increased to $2,753,819.

Accomplishments since the last review

Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = ResearchAll fish produced or imported and released under this contract are multi-purpose for supplementation, harvest, and research.
Maintain Fish HealthSubcontracted to USFWS for fish health maintenance, such as fish health monitoring, pathology sampling, laboratory processing of samples, and consultation with fish health professionals.
Maintain HatcheryPerformed all activities described under this work element for all facilities under this contract for all contract years. For more detail please see project annual reports.

We mistakenly entered past releases under metrics for the Goals. Please refer to these metrics for past accomplishments. The Yakama Nation has continued to effectively operate and maintain the Cle Elum Supplementation and Research, Prosser, Marion Drain, and acclimation site facilities based on adaptive management principles in the preceding fiscal years. The past accomplishments for the Spring Chinook, Fall Chinook, and Coho components of the O&M project are summarized in paragraphs on pp 37-38 of Yakima Subbasin Supplement, Nov. 26, 2004. Detailed reports of the results of the O&M activites are included in the YKFP Operation and Maintanence Project Annual Reports for 2002 to present. The Project Annual Reports can be found at 1) 2) Abstracts of presentations addressing 2003 and 2004 O&M work can be found at

FY 2006 goals and anticipated accomplishments

Produce Annual ReportProduce O&M annual reports for Prosser, Marion Drain, and Cle Elum facilities.
Produce Status ReportProduce monthly status reports for O&M work at Cle Elum, Prosser and Marion Drain facilities.
Production: # fish released from program, by life stage and speciesCle Elum 2002 836k, 03 370k, 04 836k 05 824k spring chk smolts;Prosser 2002 143k, 03- 365 k, 04- 561k fall chk smolts; Marion Drain 2002 4k, 03-18k, 04-52k fall chnk smolts; Prosser 2002 183k, 03- 370k, 04- 88k coho smolts
Incubation: # fertilized eggs into incubation program, by speciesCle Elum 2002 1.1m, 03 1m, 04 996k spring chk eggs; Prosser 2002 239k, 03- 476k, 04 772k fall chk eggs; Marion Drain 2002 6k, 03 22k, 04 64k fall chnk eggs; Prosser 2002 754k, 03 277k, 04 420k coho eggs
Incubation: # fry (button-up) produced, by speciesCle Elum 2002 884k, 03 849k, 04 862k spring chk fry; Prosser 2002 227k, 03 452k, 04 734k fall chk fry; Marion Drain 2002- 5k, 03 22k, 04 61k fall chnk fry; Prosser 2002 721k, 03 180k 04 280k coho fry
Rearing: # fish into program (fish ponded), by life stage and speciesCle Elum 2002 865k, 03 826k, 04 849k spring chk parr; Prosser 2002 159k, 03 429k, 04 660k fall chk parr; Marion Drain 2002 4k, 03 21k, 04 54k fall chnk parr; Prosser 2002 528k, 03 126k, 04 196k coho parr
Purpose of production program (S/H/R): S = Supplementation, H = Harvest Augmentation, R = ResearchAll fish produced or imported and released under this contract are multi-purpose for supplementation, harvest, and research.
Broodstock collection: # of fish collected by origin (ad-clip/non-clip) and speciesCle Elum 2002 830, 03 584, 04 718 spring chk adults; Prosser 2002 -113, 03- 230, 04- 370 fall chk adults; Marion Drain 2002-4, 03-12, 04-30 fall chnk adults; Prosser 2002- 450, 03-452, 04-142 coho adults
# of fish by sex (M,F,J), origin (ad-clip/non-clip), and ageCle Elum 2002 M125 F261, 03 M115 F200, 04 M125 F245 spr chk; Prosser 2002- 55M 58F, 03- 115M 115F, 04-185M 185F fall chk; Marion Dr 2002- 2M 2F, 03- 6M 6F, 04-15M 15F fall chnk; Prosser 2002- 230M 220F, 03- 230M 222F, 04- 70M 72F coho

Production goals for 2006 are similar to those listed under metrics : Spring chinook 810,000; Fall chinook ~2.8 million (1.7 million Mitchell Act produced and 1.1 million YKFP produced); up to ~1.0 million coho. The Vision for Yakima Subbasin is identified on page 3 of the Subbasin Supplement. Biological Objectives are identified in section 3.1 on p. 15. We will continue to perform all maintenance activities described under maintain hatchery work element and to contract with USFWS for fish health maintenance.

Subbasin planning

How is this project consistent with subbasin plans?

Refer to table 8 0n page 26 of the Yakima Subbasin Supplement November 26, 2004. See section 3.3.2 Population Managment in the Yakima Subbasin and YKFP, pp 36-39 of Subbasin Supplement. See also Section 3.3.5 Facilities and Equipment on p. 40-41.

How do goals match subbasin plan priorities?

See section 3.2.2 under prioritized management strategies of the Yakima Subbasin Supplement, November 26, 2004. See section 3.3.2 Population Managment in the Yakima Subbasin and YKFP, pp 36-39 of Subbasin Supplement. See also Section 3.3.5 Facilities and Equipment on p. 40-41.

Other comments

YKFP Upper and Lower O&M project #1997-013-25 is linked with YKFP M&E project #1995-063-25 and also, Management, Data and Habitat, project #1988-120-25.