Response for project 199607702: Lolo Creek Watershed
Comment on proposed FY 2006 budget
This budget should be sufficient to complete the tasks defined below, so long as supplemental funding that was proposed to the Idaho Species of Conservation Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund is approved. Decisions on this additional funding should be known in June 2005. If funding is not approved, tasks will have to be scaled back.
Accomplishments since the last review
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | NEPA for this project has been completed in multiple ways. For projects on USFS lands, NEPA has beeen completed by them. For projects on private lands, we have worked through the BPA NEPA process - watershed checklist. | |
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | Cultural Resource surveys have been completed by the Nez Perce Tribe and clearance has been approved through Idaho State Historic Preservation Office. ESA consultation was completed by the NPT on private lands and the USFS on public lands. | |
Coordination | The Nez Perce Tribe has been partners with both Potlatch Corporation and the CNF have been partners in watershed restoration since 1996, which includes sharing funds and resources to complete projects. Each year, projects specifics are spelled out in an | |
Manage and Administer Projects | Project management includes coordinating project activities, attending meetings, seeking additional funding, preparing statements of work, managing budgets, and completing reports. | |
Produce Plan | All road/stream crossings within the Lolo Creek drainage have been inventoried and assessed for fish passage during the years 2002, 2003, and 2004. A document has been created in 2005 to detail the results and prioritize fish passage improvements. | |
Produce Annual Report | Annual reports are completed and submitted to BPA on an annual basis. | |
# of stream miles treated (0.01 mi.) | 0.25 miles of streambank have been stabilized using bioengineering techniques. Two sections of stream have been stabilized in 2003 and 2004 using brush mattresses, tree revetements, and pole plantings. | |
Type of decommissioning (B/S/R): (Blocked, Scarified/Ripped, Recontoured) | Five miles of full recontour decommissionning were completed in the Lolo Creek drainage in 2004. | |
# of road miles decommissioned (0.01 mi.) | Five miles of full recontour decommissionning were completed in the Lolo Creek drainage in 2004. | |
# of riparian miles treated (0.01 mi.; count each bank separately) | 4 miles of stream along riparian areas have been planted with10,000 native vegetation including willow, hawthorn, and alder trees in the years 2002, 2003, 2004, & 2005. | |
Maintain Terrestrial Structure | Approximately 15 miles of fence have been constructed to protect riparian areas within the Lolo Creek drainage. This fence is maintained on an annual basis by walking all fences and repairing dilapidated sections of fence. | |
Replace/Maintain Instream Structure | On Bat Creek, a tributary to Jim Brown Creek, a section of stream was eroding excessively where a road crossed the stream. To restore the area, a ford was created at the location, which involved stabilizing the streambanks up and downstream of the ford. | |
Does the structure remove or replace a fish passage barrier? (Y/N) | A round pipe was replaced with an arch pipe on Cedar Creek. | |
Does the structure remove or replace a fish passage barrier? (Y/N) | Yes, two barrier culverts were removed and one barrier culvert replaced on the Burnt Creek tributary to Jim Brown Creek. | |
# of miles of habitat accessed (0.1 mi.) | 2 miles of habitat was accessed because of the replaced culvert on Cedar Creek | |
# of miles of habitat accessed (0.1 mi.) | 2 miles of habitat were accessed as a result of three barrier culvert replacement/removals on Burnt Creek. | |
Was barrier Full or Partial? (F/P) | A full barrier was replaced on Cedar Creek. | |
Was barrier Full or Partial? (F/P) | Three full barriers on Burnt Creek were removed. Two of the sites were restored to natural floodplain, and at one site, a arch pipe culvert was installed to accomodate fish passage. | |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | The Clearwater National Forest and the NPT have developed a monitoring plan for road decommissioning. Several sites have been established to monitor road decommissioning effectiveness within the Lolo Creek drainage. | |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Data was collected on macro-invertebrates, temperature, sediment composition, channel morphology, Wolman Pebble counts, cobble embeddedness, bank stability, and riparian condition. |
The Lolo Creek Watershed restoration project began in 1996 through the Early Action Watershed Program to enhance fish habitat, reduce sediment delivery, and protect riparian areas from excessive grazing. Since 2002, the Nez Perce Tribal Fisheries/Watershed Program, in cooperation with the Clearwater National Forest, has obliterated over 5 miles of road. Obliteration included restoring natural drainage patterns, erosion control, re-vegetation, and fertilization. About fifteen miles of fence were constructed within the Lolo Creek watershed in 1998 and 1999, to protect riparian and culturally significant areas from negative impacts from cattle grazing. Operation and maintenance of this fence is completed on an annual basis. Riparian planting, in excess of 8,000 native trees, have been planted along the stream banks of the tributaries of Lolo Creek, which will increase shade, reduce temperature and sediment input, and increase large woody debris recruitment. Five culverts have been removed/replaced to accommodate fish passage. Natural stream simulation is incorporated into the design of new culverts. Where culverts were removed, the natural floodplain is restored. On all habitat improvement project, monitoring has been completed. In addition watershed trend monitoring is bein completed on an on-going basis.
FY 2006 goals and anticipated accomplishments
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | A biological assessment will be written for ESA consultation, cultural resource surveys will be contracted to the Nez Perce Tribe Cultural Resource Dept, a permit will be filed with Army Corps of Engineers, and the NEPA Checklist will be submitted to BPA. | |
Coordination | The Nez Perce Tribe has been partners with both Potlatch Corporation and the CNF have been partners in watershed restoration since 1996, which includes sharing funds and resources to complete projects. Each year, projects specifics are spelled out in | |
Manage and Administer Projects | Project management includes coordinating project activities, attending meetings, seeking additional funding, preparing statements of work, managing budgets, and completing reports. | |
Produce Design and/or Specifications | Designs for culvert replacement are a cooperative effort between the NPT and both Potlatch Corporation the CNF. For designs on Forest Service lands, the Forest Service generally takes the lead, and the Nez Perce Tribe reviews and approves all designs bef | |
Produce Annual Report | Annual reports summarize yearly activities. | |
Produce Status Report | Quarterly reports will track project work element completion. | |
Type of decommissioning (B/S/R): (Blocked, Scarified/Ripped, Recontoured) | Full recontour road decommissioning will be completed on 8 miles of road within the Lolo Creek draiange. | |
# of road miles decommissioned (0.01 mi.) | Eight miles of road will be decommissioned within the Lolo Creek drainage. | |
# of riparian miles treated (0.01 mi.; count each bank separately) | 2 stream miles will be planted with 2,000 native woody stem trees. | |
Does the structure remove or replace a fish passage barrier? (Y/N) | Yes, a round pipe will be replaced with an arch pipe within the headwaters of Lolo Creek. | |
Does the structure remove or replace a fish passage barrier? (Y/N) | A round pipe on Belle Creek will be replaced with an arch pipe and will simulate natural stream function within the culvert. | |
Does the structure remove or replace a fish passage barrier? (Y/N) | A round pipe will be replaced with an arch pipe on upper Weaver Creek. | |
Does the structure remove or replace a fish passage barrier? (Y/N) | Yes, a round pipe will be replaced on lower Weaver Creek with an arch pipe. The culvert will simulate natureal stream function within the culvert. | |
Was barrier Full or Partial? (F/P) | A full barrier within the headwaters of Lolo Creek will be replaced. | |
Was barrier Full or Partial? (F/P) | A full barrier will be replaced on Belle Creek, within the Lolo Creek drainage. | |
Was barrier Full or Partial? (F/P) | A full barrier culvert will be replaced on upper Weaver Creek with an arch pipe and will simulate stream function though the culvert. | |
Was barrier Full or Partial? (F/P) | A full barrier culvert on lower Weaver Creek will be replaced with an arch pipe structure. |
Accomplishments from 2006 funding will include replacement of four culverts: Lolo Creek, Belle Creek, upper Weaver Creek, and lower Weaver Creek. Eight miles of road will be decommissionned and two miles of stream riparian area will be planted.
Subbasin planning
How is this project consistent with subbasin plans?
The Lolo Creek Watershed project, is consistent with many Problems, Objectives, and Strategies outlined in the Clearwater Subbasin Management Plan (CSMP). A list of Problems, Objectives, and Strategies is as follows: Problem 2, Obj B, Strategies1-5 and 7 (pg 18, CSMP). This project addresses this problem by meeting it’s objectives and strategies that identify and prioritize limiting factors within each PMU as well as implementing projects resulting from this prioritization. Problem 4, Obj E, Strategies 1-3 and Obj F, Strategies 2-4 (pg 22-23, CSMP) are consistent with this project. Problem 4 addresses native fish resident species within the Clearwater Subbasin. These improvements and protection measures have been prioritized through a watershed assessment. Problem 7, Obj O, Strategies 3,4,7; Obj P, Strategies 1-5; Obj Q, Strategies 1-3, 5, 6; Obj S, Strategies 1, 3-5; Obj U, Strategies 1-7 (pages 31-38, CSMP), are consistent with this project. This project restores water quantity, quality, connectivity and habitat complexity through various watershed restoration projects such as road decommissioning and improvements, culvert replacements, riparian planting and protection, and noxious weed treatment. Problem 10, Obj Z, Strategies 1,2,4 (pg 41, CSMP). This project addresses wetlands and riparian zones through planting and cattle exclusion. Problem 16, Obj JJ, Strategies 1-4 (pg 50, CSMP) are consistent with this project. This project reduces road impacts to the stream system through various road treatments. Problem 19, Obj MM, Strategies 1-2; Obj NN, Strategies 1-3 (pg 52-53, CSMP) are consistent with this project. Personnel associated with this project are key in coordinating activities and prioritizing restoration/protection activities between several agencies. RME are conducted on Aquatic variables: II. Water Quality; III. Passage; IV. Habitat; VIII. Anadromous Fish; X. Terrestrial Habitat: In stream habitat & noxious weeds.
How do goals match subbasin plan priorities?
The Lolo Creek watershed lies in 3 PMUs. This project is consistent and addresses several High and Moderate Priorities within the identified PMUs. The Lolo Creek Watershed lies within PMUs FD-5, MX-4, and PR-1 (Figure 3, Clearwater Subbasin Management Plan (CSMP), page 135). For PMUs FD-4 and FD-5 this project addresses the following High priorities: Roads (including decommissioning and culverts);moderate priority that is addressed: Water Temperature (Table 7, CSMP, page 87). For PMU MX-4, this project addresses the following High priorities: water temperature, roads, and surface erosion. Within PMU MX-4, this project addresses Instream work under moderate priority. For PMU PR-1, this project addresses the following high priority: water temperature and for moderate priority landslide prone roads. This project will implement road decommissioning and road improvements, replacing fish barrier culverts, planting and maintaining riparian vegetation. Project personnel coordinate and comment on outside agencies activities within the watershed to make sure other activities are consistent with our watershed restoration goals.
Other comments
More information can be obtained through annual reports or Statements of Work. For more information contact Heidi McRoberts (208)843-7144 or