Response for project 199501500: Lake Billy Shaw O&M And M&E
Comment on proposed FY 2006 budget
The recommended budget is consistent with BPA's approved budget and should be sufficient for FY06.
Accomplishments since the last review
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | 2003: assembled and prepared EC documents; developed maps for EC documentation; conducted public involvement activities | |
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | 2004: same as 2003 plus conducted cultural resources survey and worked with Nevada SHPO | |
# of people reached in each of 3 classes (T/S/G): Teachers, Students, General public | 2003: held public meetings; wrote articles for papers; developed fishing guide; hosted Boy Scouts; had classes at LBS for elementary school; hosted 6 youth workers; helped create 6th grade class science fair project; participated in community gatherings | |
# of people reached in each of 3 classes (T/S/G): Teachers, Students, General public | 2004: same as 2003 plus developed website; hosted t.v. fishing program for kids at LBS; worked with Boy Scouts to create interpretive sign depicting prey items for trout | |
Manage and Administer Projects | 2003: managed subcontracts with fish suppliers; accrual and other financial reporting for BPA; development of SOW package; management of budget, purchasing, personnel, etc. | |
Manage and Administer Projects | 2004: managed subcontracts with fish suppliers; accrual and other financial reporting for BPA; development of SOW package; management of budget, purchasing, personnel, etc. | |
Produce Annual Report | Annual reports produced for 2003 and 2004 | |
Produce Status Report | 2003: produced monthly progress reports to match invoices; 2004: produced monthly progress reports to match invoices | |
# of road miles improved, upgraded, or restored | 2003: approximately 13 miles of perimeter and boat launch roads maintained at LBS; gravel added and grade maintained; 11 culverts installed; 7 cattle guards maintained | |
# of road miles improved, upgraded, or restored | 2004: perimeter road maintainted; culverts maintained; gravel and rip-rap added | |
# of riparian miles treated (0.01 mi.; count each bank separately) | 2004: planted 170 regionally native trees and shrubs at LBS; 30 trees and shrubs planted at Mountain View for Arbor Day celebration; approximately 200 willows were planted along shoreline using Stinger technology | |
# of riparian miles treated (0.01 mi.; count each bank separately) | 2003: one mile of shoreline planted with willows and tules using Stinger we constructed | |
# of acres treated (0.1 ac) | 2003: 5 shoreline acres treated to remove tamarisk (salt cedar) | |
# of acres treated (0.1 ac) | 2004: 5 acres treated to remove tamarisk; woody vegetation removed from Lake Billy Shaw dam | |
Maintain Terrestrial Structure | 2003: 5 portable restrooms installed and maintained; 5 off-site stock water ponds maintained and 2 additional ponds enhanced; 12 miles perimeter fence with 8 gates maintained and 28 rock jacks were installed; 1 solar-powered pump and trough maintained | |
Maintain Terrestrial Structure | 2004: maintained 5 portable restrooms, 6 stock water ponds, 12 miles perimeter fence with 8 gates and 29 rock jacks, 1 solar-powered pump and trough | |
Maintain Vegetation | 2003 and 2004: irrigated native plantings and maintained areas where tamarisk were removed; deepened water wells for trees; installed support posts; maintained photopoints and created maps | |
Operate/Maintain Facility | 2003: inspected and maintained LBS reservoir, dam, diversion structures, fish screens, trash racks and associated structures; stocked fish in 3 reservoirs; monitored seepage at LBS | |
Operate/Maintain Facility | 2004: same as 2003 plus installed 2 weirs to monitor seepage | |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | 2003: data collected for water levels, water quality, creel surveys, and gill netting at all three reservoirs; bird species and plant species data collected at LBS | |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | 2004: water level and quality data, creel surveys and gill netting data gathered at 3 reservoirs; wildlife surveys at LBS | |
Manage/Maintain Database | 2003 and 2004: spreadsheets for reservoir data maintained, including creel, gill net, water quality, water level, and species data. GIS database maintained, and website maintained. |
All three reservoirs received 4-star ratings from the Idaho Statesman in 2003-2005. Lake Billy Shaw has become a destination location known for its excellent fisheries and remote location with high quality scenic and natural values. We have received many compliments from anglers about the higher-level of maintenance, scientific study, and dissemination of fishery and reservoir information over the past 3 years.
FY 2006 goals and anticipated accomplishments
Produce Environmental Compliance Documentation | Produce and assemble documents and maps for EC documentation; continue public involvement activities | |
# of people reached in each of 3 classes (T/S/G): Teachers, Students, General public | Reach 60 students, 2,000 general public, and 8 teachers through teaching classes, hosting youth workers, writing articles, maintaining website, distributing fishing guide, hosting events and attending events | |
Manage and Administer Projects | Manage personnel, fish supplier subcontracts, administrative work, budget, purchasing, BPA financial reporting and accruals, SOW package, and general project management activities. | |
Produce Plan | Revise M&E Plan for Lake Billy Shaw reservoir. | |
Produce Annual Report | Produce annual report. | |
Produce Status Report | Produce monthly status reports. | |
# of road miles improved, upgraded, or restored | Maintain 13 miles of perimeter and boat launch roads including cattle guards | |
# of riparian miles treated (0.01 mi.; count each bank separately) | Plant 1 mile of native vegetation with Stinger jet; locate ditches where willows will be removed by other Tribal programs, and use those cut willows from there. Plant 100 native trees and shrubs. | |
# of acres treated (0.1 ac) | Remove any new tamarisk along shoreline of LBS. | |
Maintain Terrestrial Structure | maintain 5 portable restrooms, 6 stock water ponds, 12 miles perimeter fence with 8 gates and 29 rock jacks, 1 solar-powered pump and trough | |
Operate/Maintain Facility | Monitor seepage at LBS; inspect and maintain LBS dam, diversion structures, fish screens, paddle wheels, weirs, portable restrooms, pump house, trash bins; maintain vehicles and equipment | |
Operate/Maintain Facility | Stock Lake Billy Shaw, Sheep Creek, and Mountain View reservoirs with rainbow trout. | |
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab Data | Collect water quality, water level, creel, gill net, wildlife and vegetation survey data. Manage and analyze data to guide management of reservoirs. | |
Manage/Maintain Database | Maintain GIS database and data spreadsheets. |
Subbasin planning
How is this project consistent with subbasin plans?
In accordance with the vision statement for the Owyhee Subbasin Plan (Ch 4 p2), the stocking of Mountain View, Sheep Creek, and Lake Billy Shaw reservoirs provides a tangible benefit to the Tribes’ cultural, social, and economic well-being; further, the reservoirs contribute to the regional recreational economy and the social well-being of the surrounding communities. Also in keeping with the vision statement, the reservoirs project protects, enhances and sustains habitats that support diverse wildlife populations and healthy fisheries. CITATIONS: Chapter 4 pp36-37: Specific Approach for Implementation (4.3.2) for Near Term Objectives and Strategies Strategy 1: Continue implementation of ongoing projects; this includes the Duck Valley Fisheries project. Chapter 4 pp41-43, and pp106-108: Aquatic – Short-term Objectives and Strategies Overview of Short-term Terrestrial Objectives & Strategies The ongoing BPA projects sponsored by the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes form the nucleus of goals, objectives, and strategies for aquatic habitat restoration and enhancement and wildlife and terrestrial habitat restoration projects. The near-term Owyhee Subbasin Plan objectives and strategies are summarized in Table 4.11 and Table 4.18. These tables include the current objectives and future goals of the Duck Valley Fisheries project, including: • Habitat restoration – plant native trees/willows and grasses along shoreline and tributaries to Lake Billy Shaw • Control grazing impacts – install water troughs/stock ponds to keep stock away from reservoir/fences • Education & public outreach – monthly newspaper articles/quarterly; update & maintain signage; student involvement in projects • Monitor & evaluate – collect and summarize data on biological and economic aspects of Lake Billy Shaw fishery • Fishery Management – manage put-and-take fisheries (Mountain View Reservoir, Lake Billy Shaw, and Sheep Creek Reservoir) on the Duck Valley Indian Reservation • Monitor and Evaluation (M&E) – monitor seasonal reservoir conditions • Monitor and Evaluation (M&E) – monitor native redband trout populations (presence/absence in reservoirs and influent/effluent streams – to minimize impact by hatchery trout) • Monitor and Evaluation (M&E) – monitor cost & benefits of put-and–take fisheries.
How do goals match subbasin plan priorities?
In the development of the Owyhee Subbasin Plan, participants were reluctant to prioritize projects, species, habitats or objectives; therefore, there is not a specific prioritization schedule. However, Tables 4.11 and 4.18 in Chapter 4 outline the near-term goals for aquatic and terrestrial habitats (see response to Consistency section), and the objectives of the Duck Valley Fisheries project are listed, making this project a priority. Further, this project meets the vision (Ch 4 p2) and spirit of the Owyhee Subbasin Plan by providing tangible economic, social, and cultural benefits to both the Tribal community and neighboring communities, and by supporting diverse fish and wildlife populations and habitats.