Response for project 199106200: Blue Cr Winter Range
Comment on proposed FY 2006 budget
The Spokane Tribe of Indians will be renewing the Blue Creek Winter Game Project in FY06. Funding is being based on the amount of unspent funds from the 2001 Provincial Review Process. The project was approved for $4,500,000 over 2001-2003. Approximately $1,500,000 was spent in FY05, leaving $3,000,000 for FY05-06. The Spokane Tribe could potential complete Wildlife C&I Losses at Grand Coulee Dam if the Forest Capital Partners lands (old Boise Cascade lands) were able to be acquired, which would require approximately $4,500,000 in new funds being obligated to the project for FY06.
Accomplishments since the last review
2001 No acquisitions or preliminary work was conducted, since a MOA was not in place. 2002 MOA was completed. CONDUCT PRE-ACQUISITION ACTIVITIES: Began conducting pre-acquisition work. 2003 Due to BPA financial crisis all land acquisition activities were placed on hold. 2004 CONDUCT PRE-ACQUISITION ACTIVITIES: Completed all work needed to purchase 6 tracts of land. LAND PURCHASE: 1316 acres of land purchased as partial wildlife mitigation for C&I Losses for Grand Coulee Dam. 2005 CONDUCT PRE-ACQUISITION ACTIVITIES: Conducted or working on the work needed to purchase up to 26 tracts of land. LAND PURCHASE: 148.59 acres purchased to date with the potential for an additional 1200-2185 acres being acquired by the end of FY05 as partial wildlife mitigation for C&I Losses for Grand Coulee Dam.
FY 2006 goals and anticipated accomplishments
Goals for FY06 will be to continue with acquisition of wildlife mitigation projects in the attempt to complete C&I Losses at Grand Coulee Dam for the Spokane Tribe if additional funds are available. The Tribe could acquire approximately 4,500 acres of land for wildlife, which could meet the goals of the project. CONDUCT PRE-ACQUISITION ACTIVITIES: Continue with work needed to purchase all lands identified in FY05. LAND PURCHASE: Attempt to purchase enough property to complete Wildlife Mitigation for C&I Losses at Grand Coulee Dam.
Subbasin planning
How is this project consistent with subbasin plans?
Consistent with Intermountain Province Objectives 1A (1A.1-1A.9) Strategy a Objective 2B.2 Strategy a Strategy c Strategy d
How do goals match subbasin plan priorities?
Consistent with Intermountain Province Objectives 1A (1A.1-1A.9) Strategy a – High Priority Objective 2B.2 Strategy a – High Priority Strategy c – High Priority Strategy d – High Priority
Other comments
Spokane Tribe Wildlife Mitigation Operations & Maintenance (1998-00-300)is the O&M project for management activities that occcur on new lands acquired through this project.