Response for project 199104700: Sherman Creek Hatchery - O&M
Comment on proposed FY 2006 budget
We request that Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) continues to fund BPA project #1991-047-00 for FY06 fiscal year. The proposed budget of $223,493 for FY06 is consistent with the budget previously approved by Bonneville. However, the level of spending inside this proposed budget is not sufficient for facility maintenance and increased costs. This budget is reduced to a level that does not allow for more than absolute necessary work, and certainly no funding to "catch up" on a backlog of needed maintenance work. Funding levels do not allow for any new projects that would make the facility more efficient. This proposed budget that meets the defined spending cap, will only add to the further deterioration of the Sherman Creek Hatchery facility and equipment, and reflect poorly on the value of an asset that belongs to BPA. Here is a detailed list of the items that cannot be preformed under this proposed spending-cap if we can't get the appropriate funding for them. Wildstock Enhancement(Genetic Monitoring)Cost:$5,000 Facility Maintenance & Repairs(Replace siding, paint, and replace upright-posts that are rotting away, and gavel removal from main intake)Cost:$11,000 Grounds Maintenance(Weed control, mower fuel, and landscaping)Cost:$2,000 Flatbed boattrailer needed to haul hatchery barge.Cost:$4,000 Fish Feed prices continue to increase, since 2003. Kokanee & Wild Rainbow Yearlings Feed 18,660lbs. increased .07/lb.Cost:$1306 Rainbow Fingerlings Feed 19,920lbs. increased .13/lb.Cost:$2590 A additional $25,896 is needed for the items listed above. For a total budget of $249,389 for FY06. Every year fuel, utilities, and fish feed costs are increasing and we are not recieving the appropriated funds to cover the rising costs that are needed to operate this facility. Utimately, the ability to meet and support approved mitigation levels for resident fisheries in the Blocked Area above Grand Coulee Dam will suffer. For the FY06 budget we are requesting a total budget of $249,389.
Accomplishments since the last review
Here are some of Sherman Creek Hatchery's accomplishments since the last review in (2001). Sherman Creek Hatchery Kokanee Salmon Releases 2002- 231,038 Yearling Kokanee planted @ Sherman Cr. 2002- 357,068 Yearling Kokanee planted from Netpens. 2002- 588,106 Total Yearling Kokanee Plants. 2003- 228,417 Yearling Kokanee planted @ Sherman Cr. 2003- 391,430 Yearling Kokanee planted from Netpens. 2003- 619,847 Total Yearling Kokanee Plants. 2004- 217,465 Yearling Kokanee planted @ Sherman Cr. 2004- 490,451 Yearling Kokanee planted from Netpens. 2004- 707,916 Total Yearling Kokanee Plants. Sherman Creek Hatchery Wild Rainbow Netpen Releases 2002- 45,714 @ 3.34/lb. Trout Lodge Rainbows(Triploids) 2003- 14,309 @ 5.50/lb. Phalon Lake Rainbows 2004- 38,142 @ 10.30/lb. Phalon Lake Rainbows 2005- 76,700 Phalon Lake Rainbows (On-Hand) Note: In 2002 the Trout Lodge Stock were substituted for the unavailable wild rainbows normally released. Sherman Creek Hatchery Summer raceway rearing for Fall Transfer to Netpens. 2002-266,217 Rainbow Trout Fingerlings for Netpens 2003-268,327 Rainbow Trout Fingerlings for Netpens 2004-206,808 Rainbow Trout Fingerlings for Netpens We are testing Spokane Stock Rainbows (Diploids & Triploids) to see what effects the triploids have on creel returns and impacts on native stocks in the system. We continued to incorporate native or locally adaptive stocks of Red-Band Rainbow Trout in the netpen program. This is in response to the goal of increased use of native stocks within the program. The LRHCT together with LRFEP have decided to shift Kokanee Netpen Production to kokanee fry plants in Sheep Cr. & Onion Cr. to try to establish/enhance returns of kokanee to those upper reservoir tribs. Based on reccommendations by the LEHCT, SCH Netpens are being used to rear Wild RedBand Rainbow Trout in Lake Roosevelt. Kokanee Netpens and their associated docks were purchased and constructed in 2002 to increase rearing capabilities at SCH. Annual reports and project data are provided to BPA and the Co-Managers.
FY 2006 goals and anticipated accomplishments
Sherman Creek Hatchery will continue to acclimate, rear, outplant, collect adults and eggs to restore and enhance the resident fisheries on Lake Roosevelt and Banks Lake. Establish a kokanne broodstock for future egg requirements to create & enhance the kokanee fishery within Lake Roosevelt. Continue broodstock collection ensuring genetic diversity for both kokanee and rainbows. Assist in rainbow trout rearing and fishery enhancement using locally adapted or native stocks of rainbows. Assist and coordinate with other Fish & Wildlife Projects on Lake Roosevelt including: The Volunteer Netpen Project, Spokane Tribal Hatchery, Lake Roosevelt Fisheries Evalutation Project, and the Lake Roosevelt White Sturgeon Recovery Project. Annual Production Goal Objectives Unit Fish Operation Number Rec. Planted Rw’s KO Rearing 300,000 25/lb. 10/lb. Rw’s RB Rearing 300,000 90/lb. 15/lb. Rw’s KO Trapping Unknown KFNP Wild RB Rearing 100,000 75/lb. 10/lb. CFH Wild RB Rearing 100,000 Eggs 75/lb. CFH KO Spawn Adults Fry CFH KO Incubate Eggs Fry Key: Rw’s = Raceways KO = Kokanee Salmon KNP#1 = Kokanee Net Pens site 1 RB = Rainbow Trout KNP#2 = Kokanee Net Pens site 2 Size = number per / pound KFNP = Kettle Falls Net Pens I = Received In CFH = Colville Trout Hatchery O = Transferred or Planted Facility Maintenance Incuding: Dock repair and replacement at the Kettle Falls Netpen site. Paint, siding and post replacement on the hatchery building at Sherman Creek. Vehicle and hatchery grounds up-keep at Sherman Creek. Sherman Creek Hatchery will complete Annual Reports, data collection, and project wide plant summaries and prepare and provide them to BPA and the Fishery Co-Managers on Lake Roosevelt.
Subbasin planning
How is this project consistent with subbasin plans?
The Sherman Creek Hatchery is consistent to the subbasin plan.Below is a reference to the subbasin plan that fits into the goals of the Sherman Creek Hatchery. Columbia River Basin Level Goal 1C: Restore resident fish species to near historic abundance etc. Subbasin Objective 2A1,Strategy b: Use locally adaptive, genetically appropriate native stocks etc. Stategy c: Implement marking program to identify hatchery produced trout from wild fish etc. subbasin Objective 2C1: Artifically produce enough fish to supplement consistent harvest to meet state and tribal management objectives. Strategy a: Artifically produce sufficient fish to fulfill management and harvest needs. Strategy b: Preserve and enhance netpen operations.
How do goals match subbasin plan priorities?
The goals of the Sherman Creek Hatchery match subbasin plan priorities in the following reference points. Subbasin Objective 1A5 Strategy a: Maintain and improve existing artificial production programs/netpens operations. Strategy b: Use locally adapted native redband rainbow stock,etc. Strategy c: Develop artificial production capacity for kokanee salmon that utilizes locally adapted stocks. Strategy d. Develop technical and policy working groups that meets regularly to identify problems and implement solutions for the Upper Columbia Subbasin. Subbasin Objective 2C1, Strategy a:,Strategy b: Strategy d: Strategy e: Strategy f:
Other comments
The Phalon Lake Red-Band Rainbow program continues to increase. The LRHCT requested a need for more of the Wild Phalon Lake Rainbows for the Lake Roosevelt Project. We have been collecting broodstock successfully this spring. The first egg-take is usually around the last week in April and continues through the the last week in May. The resulting eggs are taken to Colville Hatchery for early rearing. The Colville Hatchery is a very important part of the Phalon Lake Red-Band Rainbow Project for early rearing. Here is why Colville Hatchery so important to this project: They have Pathogen Free Well Water that has a constant temperature. Colville Hatchery is close proximity to Sherman Creek & Phalon Lake Sites. Has incubation that works good for small lots of eggs. (Sherman Creek has no incubation). Has good water temperature for early rearing. At Colville the Phalon Lake Red-Band Rainbows are incubated and reared until they reach 75/lb. in November. Then they are graded and we transfer 50% of the larger fish from this group to Sherman Creek Netpens. The remianing 50% of the fish that are smaller are kept at Colville Hatchery until they reach size. This enables the smaller fish to catch-up in size to the larger, earlier fish. Then these fish are transferred to Sherman Creek Netpens through the winter as they reach size. The last fish usually are transferred to Sherman Creek Netpens in April at 25/lb. With production levels increasing on the Phalon Lake Red-Band Rainbows. Spawning, Incubation, and early rearing costs are increasing at Colville Hatchery. Twenty-eight percent of the Colville Hatchery Production consists of Phalon Lake Red-Band Rainbows. This is costing approx. $33,600/Year. We have been aborbing this cost for quite some time but with production levels, salaries, utilities, and fish feed costs increasing every year we will be asking BPA for partial funding for Colville Hatchery O&M in the future.