Response for project 199004400: Coeur D'Alene Reservation Habit

Comment on proposed FY 2006 budget

The project proponent wishes to renew funding for fiscal year 2006. Contracting for this project through Bonneville is split across fiscal years and new funding will be needed beginning June 2006. The identified budget (1,197,873), while consistent with Bonneville’s approved budget, is insufficient to cover both the personnel costs for existing staff and accomplish all the FY2006 goals described below. We request an additional $69,144 to install and maintain fish traps in Lake and Benewah creeks and continue PIT tag studies in these same watersheds. This data helps address ISRP concerns expressed during the review process (ISRP 2001-4) and is critical to a number of ongoing analyses, including: determining juvenile to adult survival rates and inter-annual growth rate for adfluvial adults during their lake residence; development of a recruits per spawner relationship based on age composition from scale analysis; and separating within lake growth and survival from tributary production. These analyses provide the best inference on changes in production relative to restoration response.

Accomplishments since the last review

BPA Environmental ComplianceCompleted and submited all documents to BPA to ensure NEPA/ESA compliance for all projects
PIT TagsPIT tagged 670 adfluvial juvenile cutthroat trout in Lake Creek as of May 19, 2005.
# of people reached in each of 3 classes (T/S/G): Teachers, Students, General publicPublished quarterly newsletter; provided educational programs to local schools; sponsored summer interships; and provided consultation to university extension programs. Between 2002-2005 reached a total of 80 teachers/1,800 students/35,200 general public
CoordinationBetween 2002-2005: conducted quarterly meetings with an Inter-Agency working group; coordinated annual meetings with watershed working groups in Lake and Benewah creeks; participated in Tribal IDT processes.
Produce PlanCompleted Habitat Protection Plan to identify and prioritize the overall spatial array of habitats needed to protect westslope cutthroat trout populations.
Produce PlanCompleted Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan to document an experimental design to test major hypotheses concerning habitat condition and trout production.
Produce Design and/or SpecificationsCompleted geomorphic assessment and restoration prescriptions for 3.2 mile segment of Benewah Creek.
Produce Annual ReportCompleted comprehensive technical report (1999-2001) and a summary of all implementation and evaluation efforts (1995-2001).
Produce Annual ReportCompleted 2002 technical report.
Produce Annual ReportCompleted 2003 technical report.
Produce Annual ReportPrepared draft 2004 technical report.
Produce/Submit Scientific Findings ReportCompleted power analysis of population estimates for trout from four target watersheds to evaluate and refine monitoring strategies.
# of stream miles treated before realignment (0.1 mi.)0.1
# of stream miles treated, including off-channels, after realignment (0.1 mi.)Constructed 0.64 miles of off-channel habitat between 2003-2004.
# of stream miles treated, including off-channels, after realignment (0.1 mi.)Improved 0.1 miles of stream habitat in Benewah Creek by restoring the channel bed to historical elevations.
Start and end lat/long of treated reach (0.1")Start: 116°46'55.57"W 47°14'6.63"NEnd: 116°47'0.89"W 47°14'3.67"N
# of acres of vegetation planted (0.1 ac.)Treated 125.8 acres of floodplain habitats between 2002-2005.
# of riparian miles treated (0.01 mi.; count each bank separately)Treated 6.17 miles of riparian habitat between 2002-2005.
Enhance FloodplainEnhanced 25.3 acres of floodplain through addition of large woody debris to increase roughness, dissipate energy and reduce local scour to retard headward migration at active avulsion channels.
Does the structure remove or replace a fish passage barrier? (Y/N)Y
# of miles of habitat accessed (0.1 mi.)Replaced a partial fish passage barrier to open 2.7 miles of spawning and rearing habitat.
Was barrier Full or Partial? (F/P)P
Remove or Relocate Predaceous AnimalsRemoved 671 brook trout from 4.3 miles of Benewah Creek.
Install Fish Trap/Monitoring WeirInstalled and maintained migration traps in Lake and Benewah creeks from 2002 through 2005.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataCollected annual migration data on adfluvial trout in Benewah and Lake creeks.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataCompleted annual electroshocking surveys at 105 index sites in four watersheds to estimate population and distribution of westslope cutthroat trout and non-native brook trout (2002-2004).
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataMeasured physical habitat variables at 20-paired treatment and control sites (2003 and 2004).
Manage/Maintain DatabaseManaged, maintained and QA/QCed MS Excel and GIS databases for migrating fish, population estimates, physical habitat measures, temperature and discharge.
Analyze/Interpret DataAnalyzed data from 2004 brook trout removal in Benewah Creek. Estimated potential future production removed from system using age structure, gender ratio, age-at-maturity, % mature fish, gonad maturation, # of eggs, and gonadosomatic index.
Analyze/Interpret DataCalculated annual population estimates at 105 sites. Estimated density of cutthroat/brook trout at each sites and generated population estimates at the watershed scale with 95% CI. Completed power analysis to estimate change in populations.
Analyze/Interpret DataAnalyzed annual migration data from Lake and Benewah creeks. Developed descriptive statistics of length and weight at age. Began developing recruits per spawner relationships based on age compostition from scale analysis.

2002: Completed Habitat Protection Plan to identify and prioritize the overall spatial array of habitats needed to protect westslope cutthroat trout populations 2002: Completed Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan to document an experimental design to test major hypotheses concerning habitat condition and trout production 2002: Completed geomorphic assessment and restoration prescriptions for 3.2 mile segment of Benewah Creek 2002: Completed comprehensive technical report (1999-2001) and a summary of all implementation and evaluation efforts (1995-2001) 2002: Completed vegetative treatments for 30 acres and 0.78 miles of riparian habitat 2002-2005: Collected data on adfluvial migrants in Benewah and Lake creeks. Sampled fish at 105 index sites in four watersheds to estimate population and distribution of westslope cutthroat trout and non-native brook trout. 2003: Completed power analysis of population estimates for trout from four target watersheds to evaluate and refine monitoring strategies 2003: Completed 2002 annual report 2003: Completed vegetative treatments for 56.8 acres and 2.89 miles of riparian habitat 2003: Constructed 0.47 miles of side channel habitats 2003: Enhanced 22.98 acres of floodplain through addition of large woody debris 2003-2004: Measure physical habitat variables at 20-paired treatment and control sites 2004: Completed 2003 annual report 2004: Removed 671 brook trout from 4.3 miles of Benewah Creek 2004: Completed vegetative treatments for 16.5 acres and 0.78 miles of riparian habitat 2004: Constructed 0.17 miles of side channel habitats 2004: Enhanced 2.3 acres of floodplain through addition of large woody debris 2004: Replaced a partial fish passage barrier to open 2.7 miles of spawning and rearing habitat 2004: Improved 0.1 miles of stream habitat in Benewah Creek by restoring the channel bed to historical elevations 2005: PIT tagged 670 juvenile cutthroat in Lake Creek as of May 19 2005: Prepared draft 2004 annual report 2005: Completed vegetative treatments for 22.5 acres and 1.72 miles of riparian habitat

FY 2006 goals and anticipated accomplishments

BPA Environmental ComplianceProject proponent will submit required documents to BPA to ensure NEPA/ESA compliance for all project sites.
PIT TagsPurchase 2,000 SGL PIT tags for adfluvial westslope cutthroat trout survival study.
# of people reached in each of 3 classes (T/S/G): Teachers, Students, General public# reached: Teachers 30/Students 600/General public 10,000. Proponent will publish quarterly newsletter; Update program web page; provide educational programs to schools; Sponsor summer interships; and provide consultation to university extension programs
Identify and Select ProjectsProponent will engage in advanced scoping of restoration projects with landowners in four target watersheds. Deliverables will include descriptions of proposed projects, characterization of site conditions, and recommendations for restoration/enhancement.
CoordinationProponent will coordinate and participate in a variety of forums with local stakeholders and managers to disseminate information about restoration efforts.
Manage and Administer ProjectsProvide oversight of the project as needed. Respond to BPA as requested, providing financial, contractual, and administrative documents.
Produce Annual ReportProduce annaul report summarizing work accomplishments and data summary and analysis.
Produce Status ReportSubmit quarterly status reports indicating the status by milestone.
# of stream miles treated before realignment (0.1 mi.)0.29 mi. pre-treatment
# of stream miles treated, including off-channels, after realignment (0.1 mi.)0.41 mi. post-treatment. Project will restore incised channel to historical elevations by filling the channel at specific locations, and restoring channel length by reactivating historical alignments.
Start and end lat/long of treated reach (0.1")Start: 116°45'35.56"W 47°15'6.04"N End: 116°45'46.72"W 47°14'57.84"N
# of acres of vegetation planted (0.1 ac.)15 acres treated. Proponent will plant 6,000 conifers to restore native riparian forest plant communities within the 100-year floodplain of target tributaries for purposes of erosion control, roughness recruitment, and shading.
# of riparian miles treated (0.01 mi.; count each bank separately)0.82 miles treated. Proponent will plant 36,000 native herbaceous and deciduous plants to treat all disturbed areas associated with channel construction.
Remove or Relocate Predaceous AnimalsProponent will remove non-native brook trout from Benewah Creek and tributaries. Deliverables will include # brook trout removed and the potential production removed based on age structure, gender ratio, % mature population, # eggs, gonadosomatic index.
Install Fish Trap/Monitoring WeirProponent will install resistance board weir traps in Lake and Benewah creeks to capture westslope cutthroat trout spawners and juvenile outmigrants.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataPIT tag 2,000 juvenile, downstream migrating adfluvial westslope cutthroat trout in Lake and Benewah creeks.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataUse backpack electroshocking techniques at 105 sites in four watersheds to estimate population and distribution of westslope cutthroat trout and non-native brook trout. Deliverables include number, length frequency and age-at-length for all trout.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataProponent will measure physical habitat at a total of 20 paired treatment and control sites.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataProponent will measure water and air temperature and discharge at sites along the longitudinal gradient of target streams. Deliverables will be high resolution temporal and spatial data for temperature and discharge.
Collect/Generate/Validate Field and Lab DataProponent will measure fine-scale thermal differences in restored and control reaches in Benewah Creek using the integration of surveying methods and a rapid-response temperature sensor.
Manage/Maintain DatabaseProponent will maintain salmonid abundance database for target stream population estimates, migrant trapping and PIT tag data. Biological data will be entered, validated, and stored in either MS Excel or MS Access databases.
Manage/Maintain DatabaseMaintain physical habitat, temperature and discharge databases. Deliverables are entered, QA/QCed, and stored data in either MS Excel or MS Access format.
Analyze/Interpret DataProponent will analyze data generated from salmonid trapping and PIT tagging studies in Lake and Benewah creeks. Deliverables will include estimated # of juveniles/adult by age class and life history and # and age structure of PIT tagged fish.
Analyze/Interpret DataProponent will analyze data to estimate salmonid population and production at the watershed scale for target streams, longitudinal distribution of salmonids, and update power analysis to detect changes in populations at the watershed scale.
Analyze/Interpret DataAnalyze data from physical habitat sampling at treatment/control sites, discharge and temperature monitoring at mainstem and tributary sites, and thermal heterogeneity sampling in Benewah Creek. Deliverables are statistical analysis of measured variables.

Planned FY 2006 efforts will focus on Benewah Creek. The Tribe will begin the second year of construction on an extensive channel restoration project that will ultimately treat 3.2 miles of entrenched mainstem habitats. The design approach restores the channel bed to historical elevations by filling the channel at specific locations and restoring channel length by reactivating historical alignments. The project will reconnect the channel with its former floodplain to increase the frequency and duration of overbank flooding and increase dynamic and long-term surface and ground water storage. A total of 0.41 miles of stream channel will be treated during FY 2006. Vegetation treatments will be implemented on 15 acres of riparian habitats and 0.82 miles of streambank associated with the channel construction. Monitoring of biological, physical and chemical variables will be undertaken as in past years to increase the statistical power of datasets. Resistance board weir traps will be used to monitor adfluvial migrants in Lake and Benewah creeks. Up to 2,000 juvenile cutthroat trout will be PIT tagged from these sites as to determine juvenile-to-adult survival and to refine spawner:recruit ratios. Population estimates will be generated at 105 index sites in 4 target watersheds to measure population responses to restoration activities at the watershed scale. Physical habitat variables will be measured at 20 stratified sites to determine the inter-annual variability of measured parameters and to statistically test for differences between treatment and control sites. Water temperature, air temperature and discharge will be measured at sites along the longitudinal gradient of target streams to produce high resolution data that can be used to compare treatment and control sites, map thermal refugia, and detect changes over time. Brook trout will be removed for the third consecutive year from tributaries in Benewah Creek. Potential production removed from the system will be estimated using age structure, gender ratio, age-at-maturity, and gonadosomatic indices.

Subbasin planning

How is this project consistent with subbasin plans?

The project is consistent with and implements the following Aquatic Objectives and Strategies: Objective 2A2 - Protect and Restore Westslope Cutthroat Trout Strategy a: Improve riparian conditions; increase channel stability. Strategy b: Increase habitat diversity. Strategy c (priority equal to d): Reduce fine sediment. Strategy d (priority equal to c): Increase flows where appropriate. Strategy e: Remove passage obstructions. Strategy f: Reduce stream temperatures. Strategy g: Decrease pollutants. Strategy h: Evaluate native resident fish distribution and abundance and assess need for conservation aquaculture facilities. Objective 2C1 - Establish put-and take fisheries for westslope cutthroat trout Strategy a (priority equal to b): Construct a total of 5 ponds in the Coeur d’ Alene Watershed to function as put-and-take westslope cutthroat trout fisheries by 2012. Strategy b (priority equal to a): Identify stream reaches that do not, and likely will not, support westslope cutthroat trout by 2010 for establishment of put and take fisheries. Strategy c: Supplement pond and streams identified in strategies a and b with sufficient numbers of hatchery raised westslope cutthroat from locally adapted stocks to meet subsistence and harvest goals. The metrics summarized above in FY2006 Goals are consistent with the following objectives and strategies from the Subbasin Plan (Table 10.1-3): Riparian Condition (15) 1B1, strategies a, c,d,e,g Channel Stability (15) 1B1, strategies a, f Habitat Diversity (15) 1B1, strategies a, f Fine Sediment (6) 1B1, strategies f, k; 1B2 Low Flow (5) 1B1, strategy c High Temperatures (4) 1B2 Pollutants (3) 1B1, strategy b; 1B2 Obstructions (1) 1B1, strategies h, i, j High Flow (1) 1B1, strategy c

How do goals match subbasin plan priorities?

This project implements five of the top six priorities, including the two highest priority objectives for the Subbasin: restoration of adfluvial westslope cutthroat trout and implementation of put and take harvest opportunities (Table 10.3.1). The target watersheds addressed by this proposal include Benewah, Lake, Alder and Evans; all are priority adfluvial cutthroat bearing streams. Benewah, Lake and Alder are ranked 1st, 3rd, and 16th respectively for restoration and Evans is ranked 15th for protection based on their departure from reference conditions (See tables 6-4 through 6-20). In addition to their relative rankings, each of these streams are culturally significant to the Coeur d’Alene Tribe and are the highest priorities for resident fish substitution in the Council’s 2000 Program. Biological evaluations indicate that populations occupying lower elevation watersheds in the subbsasin are at highest risk based on low population numbers and habitat losses. Target watersheds addressed by this project all fall within this high-risk category. Affected attributes include low flow, high flow, fine sediment, high temperatures, and pollutants. The top three watersheds, including Benewah and Lake Creek, are in close proximity to Coeur d’ Alene Lake and are heavily impacted by land use practices (agriculture, timber harvest, logging, and/or residential development). Of the top three ranked watersheds that have experienced significant habitat alterations based on watershed land use activities, Lake Creek has the greater biological potential (Table 6.8). Lake Creek provides critical passageway for adfluvial westslope cutthroat trout. This project specifically addresses the following water quality impairments: Lake Creek - Sediment and temperature limit fisheries production in the watershed (Table 6.18, Page 6-52) Benewah - Temperature is the primary limiting factor for fisheries production in the watershed (Page 6-53).

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