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Council Spotlight

News about energy and natural resources in the Pacific Northwest

Mid-term Assessment of the 2021 Northwest Power Plan: Tracking Progress to Ensure the Power Supply

The Council’s mid-term assessment for its 2021 Power Plan reviews the region’s progress in implementing the plan, which forecasts electricity demand 20 years into the future.

Habitat Restoration for Steelhead in the Potlatch River Finds Success

Idaho Department of Fish and Game continues to improve habitat in the Potlatch watershed, the largest spawning area for wild steelhead in the lower Clearwater River.

Update on Generating Resources Development

The 2021 Plan Resource Strategy called for the region to build at least 3,500 megawatts of renewable resources by 2027, and region has already built 3,200 megawatts since then.

North Idaho Public Utilities Share Concerns

Directors of North Idaho utilities talk about the pressures they face: significant load growth, changing demographics, aging infrastructure, rate increases, and extreme weather events.


March 12-13: Council meeting in Portland

Full meetings calendar

Missed a meeting? Council meetings are recorded so you can re-watch any agenda item or presentation. Try the video links from the November meeting. (And see the agenda search tool to find meetings by topic.)