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Council Spotlight

News about energy and natural resources in the Pacific Northwest

From Flatline to Abundance: Restoring Interior Columbia River Basin Coho


Extinction, it turns out, is not forever, at least when the species in question is interior Columbia River Basin coho salmon. Read more.

Upcoming Meetings

JUNE 14-15: Council Meeting in Portland

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Coronavirus update: The Council is starting to resume in-person meetings, with online participation always available. We encourage people to join our meetings and engage with our staff and members by phone, webinar and email.

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Keeping the Lights On

The Council is set to make improvements to the Northwest’s resource adequacy assessment this year, which acts as an early warning of potential future power shortfalls. Read more.


Region Comes Together to Restore Pacific Lamprey

Pacific lamprey—like salmon–are a significant fish for Northwest. At its May meeting, the Council was briefed on the region’s efforts support this distinctive species. Read more.


Council Members Tour Projects During Meeting in Whitefish, Montana

While in Whitefish for their May meeting, Council members toured Hungry Horse Dam, Flathead Electric Co-op’s biomass project, and Sekokini Springs Hatchery. Read more.