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Council Spotlight

News about energy and natural resources in the Pacific Northwest

Steigerwald Floodplain Reconnection Project Enters Final Year of Construction

Steigerwald project

The project will reconnect more than 900 acres of habitat with the Columbia River for the benefit of fish and wildlife and providing new recreational opportunities. Read more.

Upcoming Meetings

JUNE 30 : Power Committee Meeting

JULY 13-14 : Council Meeting via webinar

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Coronavirus update: Due to the coronavirus, the Council will continue holding all meetings virtually until further notice. The work of the Council and the RTF will continue remotely, and we encourage people to join our meetings and engage with our staff and members by phone and webinar and email. We will update this as more information becomes available.

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Video: Utility Integrated Resource Plans Predict Large-scale Development of Renewable Resources West-wide

While IRPs focus on the future needs of individual utilities, the Council is seeing a similar future on a larger scale as it develops the 2021 regional power plan. Read more.


Energy-use Study Shows When and How We Used Electricity During Stay-at-home 2020

It's no surprise that energy use was higher during the day than it was before the pandemic, but end-use study shows how much and when. Read more.


Regional Technical Forum’s 2020 Annual Report

Every spring the RTF publishes an annual report recounting its accomplishments over the past year. While 2020 was a difficult year for us all, the RTF was still able to stick to their work plan and get a lot done. Read more.