News about energy and natural resources in the Pacific Northwest
The Council is exploring a 'path to decarbonization,' which focuses on reducing carbon emissions from the economy, including transportation. Read more.
Upcoming Meetings
MAY 20, 26, 27 : Power Committee Meetings
JUNE 7-9 : Council Meeting via webinar More meetings
Coronavirus update: Due to the coronavirus, the Council will continue holding all meetings virtually until further notice. The work of the Council and the RTF will continue remotely, and we encourage people to join our meetings and engage with our staff and members by phone and webinar and email. We will update this as more information becomes available.
Helicopters help reestablish fish-friendly habitat. Read more.
Stakeholders asked the Council to consider aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the new plan. Read more.
The funding addresses non-routine maintenance at the Lake Roosevelt, Umatilla, and Eagle hatcheries, and fish screens in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. Read more.
The federal Department of Energy is proposing changes that should speed the review and approval of proposed new standards. Read more.
Modeling for the 2021 Power Plan by the Council’s power planning staff is producing some interesting results and raising some intriguing questions. Read more.
Complex analysis and the addition of new Council members make it prudent to extend the deadline for completing the plan revision. The Council revises the plan every five years. Read more.