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Council Spotlight

News about energy and natural resources in the Pacific Northwest

Survey: 2019 Energy Efficiency Improvements Would Power 158,000 Northwest Homes


The 2019 accomplishments bring the total energy efficiency improvements in the Northwest since 1978, when efficiency programs began, to 7,000 average megawatts. That's more than twice the annual output of Grand Coulee Dam. Read more.

Upcoming Meetings

OCTOBER 12-14 : Council Meeting, Portland (all meetings are remote access only)

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Coronavirus update: Joining the effort to slow the spread of coronavirus, the Council will make all meetings completely virtual until further notice. The work of the Council and the RTF will continue remotely, and we encourage people to join our meetings and engage with our staff and members by phone and webinar and email. We will update this as more information becomes available.

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EPA Grants $2 Million To Columbia River Basin Water Quality Projects

The 14 projects, selected through competitive bidding, are designed to assess, reduce, and educate about toxic substances in water throughout the Columbia River Basin. Read more.


Bonneville Power Administration Searches for a New Leader

Last month BPA Administrator Elliot Mainzer announced his departure after nearly seven years leading the agency. Department of Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette announced that John Hairston, BPA’s Chief Operating Officer, would be the Interim Administrator and CEO until a permanent replacement for Mainzer could be named. Read more.


Council's Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Report is Available for Public Comments

The annual report to Congress is a requirement of the Northwest Power Act. The 90-day comment period begins this week and ends December 18.. Read more.