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Council Spotlight

News about energy and natural resources in the Pacific Northwest

Comment On The Draft 2020 Addendum To The Council's Columbia River Basin Fish And Wildlife Program


The Council adopted Part Two of the Program Amendments in January and released a draft of Part One for public comment this month. Following public comment and any revisions, the Council anticipates approving Part One this August, completing the amendment process. Read more.

Upcoming Meetings

JUNE 16-17 : Council Meeting, Portland (all meetings are remote access only)

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Coronavirus update: Joining the effort to slow the spread of coronavirus, the Council will make all meetings completely virtual through June 30th. The work of the Council and the RTF will continue remotely, and we encourage people to join our meetings and engage with our staff and members by phone and webinar and email. We will update this as more information becomes available.

Power Plan update: Draft 2021 Power Plan release moved to February 2021.

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Assessing Future Energy Efficiency

At its May meeting, power division staff presented an assessment of the region’s energy efficiency potential that will be used in the 2021 Power Plan’s resource optimization and scenario analysis. . Read more.


Biologists Report: Sturgeon Are Doing Well Below The Dalles And Bonneville Dams, Not So Well Farther Upriver

Sturgeon populations are sampled regularly below McNary Dam, but a lack of funding hinders efforts to improve knowledge of the species above McNary and in the lower Snake River. Read more.


Update on Annual Greenhouse Emissions From the Power Sector

While the northwest load forecast shows moderate growth overall, states pursuing high electrification policies should see significant increases in their load growth. California’s load is expected to increase from 30,000 average megawatts in 2021 to 53,000 average megawatts by 2050 as it strives to decarbonize its economy. Read more.


Construction Projects To Improve Fish Survival Are Winding Down At Corps Of Engineers Dams

The Corps will transition from construction projects in response to direction in the 2008 Biological Opinion to a focus on operations and maintenance, a Corps biologist says. Read more.


Regional Technical Forum 2019 Annual Report

At the Council’s May meeting, Jennifer Light, chair of the Regional Technical Forum, presented its 2019 Annual Report highlighting its ongoing work to verify energy savings in the Northwest, as well as some new areas they will be analyzing. Read more.