Montana Wind Generates More Power When The Region Needs It, But Can We Get It?
News about energy and natural resources in the Pacific Northwest
Montana Wind Generates More Power When The Region Needs It, But Can We Get It?
Of the nearly 8,700 megawatts of wind generation in the region, under 700 megawatts are in Montana and just over 5,700 megawatts of wind power is sited in the Columbia Gorge. If Montana’s wind resource is so promising, why isn’t there more? Read more.
Cold-water Species In A Warming Climate
Bull trout need clear, cold water and spawning habitat that is as free of sediment as possible. A Montana/Salish-Kootenai Tribes project aims to help.
Retiring Northwest Coal Plants and Keeping the Lights On
Energy Efficiency, load reduction programs, and new generation could help replace the lost generating capacity.
Cold Water Refuge
Scientists find salmon and steelhead seek refuge when the Columbia and Snake rivers get too warm in summer.
Renewables in a Shifting Energy Landscape
One of the challenges with wind and solar generation is that the amount of generation you get in any hour depends on the weather. But there are promising solutions that could help meet that challenge.
Building Demand for Energy Efficient Products
Carrie Cobb, market research lead at Bonneville Power Administration, talks about lighting technology and where it's headed.