Council Spotlight
News about energy and natural resources in the Pacific Northwest

Designing for Efficiency
A Boise energy design lab is setting up art and architecture students for careers
in energy efficiency while also working with building owners, designers, and the
local electric utility, Idaho Power Company, to improve the energy efficiency of
existing buildings and those under design.
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Ensuring Habitat Projects Meet Scientific and Program Standards
At its November meeting, the Northwest Power and Conservation Council
recommended 75 projects in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington to improve conditions
for fish and wildfire, primarily salmon and steelhead. Projects are funded by
the Bonneville Power Administration to implement the Council’s Columbia River
Basin Fish and Wildlife Program.
The Flexibility Challenge
We caught up with Bob Jenks, executive director of the CUB Policy Center, to talk about the growing need for flexibility in the region's power system. CUB's recent policy conference explored the question of how to make renewable energy, with its ups and downs in output, work on the system. Can we use the current system more efficiently to integrate renewable resources? Here's what he had to say.
Idaho Takes Next Step in Sockeye Salmon Recovery
Completion of a new Snake River sockeye salmon hatchery in Idaho in December will inaugurate changes in how the state and its partners are working to restore the iconic species to the headwaters lakes of the Salmon River, a Snake tributary.
Charting a Course to Clean Energy
For more than a generation, the Pacific Northwest has been a leader in acquiring
energy efficiency. Since 1978, the region has reduced electricity demand by more
than 5,000 average megawatts, about half of the region’s load growth. That’s
enough power for Montana and Idaho combined, or more than four cities the size
of Seattle. One of the reasons for this success has been the unique role that
the Regional Technical Forum plays in providing a systematic way to validate
energy efficiency savings for the region.