Fish & Wildlife News |
Welcome to the Council’s Fish and Wildlife Newsletter. You are receiving this because you are engaged in the Council’s work and we want to keep you informed throughout our current program amendment process.
At the August Council meeting, the Council members agreed to extend the recommendations period by 90 days based on several extension requests from the fish and wildlife managers. The Council will now be accepting recommendations to amend the Program until 5pm on December 13, 2018.
We’ll send regular updates and ways you can participate in the process. In these emails you will find news relating to fish and wildlife, the status of the amendment process, topics of interest, and upcoming meetings.
Recommendations deadline extended to December 13
The Council is seeking recommendations on its Fish and Wildlife Program as it works to revise the Program through 2019.
Council reports on 2017 Bonneville Power Administration Fish and Wildlife Costs
For Fiscal Year 2017, the Bonneville Power Administration reported fish and wildlife costs totaling $450 million.
Cantwell’s Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Salmon, Bolster Existing Laws to Manage Sea Lion Populations Passes Key Senate Committee
Endangered Salmon and Fisheries Predation Prevention Act would help restore endangered and threatened salmon and steelhead populations through science-based management of sea lions.
Montana Steps Up Fight Against Invasive Mussels
Montana is on the front line in the war against two species of invasive freshwater mussels, zebras and quaggas, which can cause enormous damage to underwater equipment with blankets of hard, calciferous shells.
Timeline of Program Amendment Milestones